Our campus is rich with resources for students at the University of Michigan Medical School, with spaces for academic learning, biomedical research and clinical care. Together, these buildings embody the tripartite mission of Michigan Medicine, the University of Michigan’s academic medical center.
Here are just a few of the spaces, one of each from the academic, research and clinical spheres of the U-M Medical School.
The innovative academic spaces of the Taubman Health Sciences Library serve as a home base for our future physicians and researchers.
The Biomedical Science Research Building (BSRB) features 240 biomedical research labs,12 conference rooms, a 300-seat auditorium and more.
Centrally located on the medical campus, the Cardiovascular Center provides dedicated clinical space for patients with cardiovascular disease.
Our Centers include a combination of research, academic and clinical spaces within them. Explore what's inside by selecting from the links below.
Clinical facilities primarily house specialty clinics and outpatient services, as well as providing surgical services.
Research facilities feature research labs as well as conference and seminar rooms, and in some cases, one or more auditoriums. Academic facilities house offices and lecture halls, as well as anatomy labs and clinical simulation centers.