MSTP Academic & Social Events
A group of people outside under a tent looking at data on posters

Expand Your Horizons

The Michigan MSTP sponsors events throughout the year to promote our community and expand the horizons of our members.


Seminars on subjects related to science and medicine, but apart from the traditional scientific seminars, are held monthly during the fall and winter terms. They are designed to offer perspectives on research, medicine, and science broadly, views which may expand the fellow's own outlook. These seminars are a required part of the MSTP and serve as an important linking mechanism for fellows at different levels of their training.


An annual scientific retreat is held during the summer. This provides an opportunity for the advanced MSTP fellows to present a summary of their research progress. The retreat is an effective and pleasant way for the fellows to understand each other and to know about the nature of the research in which their colleagues are engaged.

Social Events

A social gathering in July welcomes the new entering fellows. At least two other informal social events are scheduled during the year, typically in January (Winter Party) and June (picnic).

Muddy Phuddy Club

Periodic discussions of important events, people and papers in the history of biomedical science. The MPC also serves as a forum through which fellows can suggest changes and present new ideas for the MSTP.

Biochemistry 552

A graduate-level literature-based discussion course in the M1 year specifically for MSTP fellows.

Clinical Transition Fellow Mentoring

A series of peer mentorship sessions in which current M3s and M4s advise about the transition from the research phase back to the clinical phase.

Program Activities Committee

The Program Activities Committee is a student-led committee comprised of about six to 10 fellows in the research phase of the program that plans monthly seminars, social events and the annual MSTP Scientific Retreat. Examples of recent academic seminar topics include steroid doping in sports, polygraph testing, and clinical cases by M3/M4 fellows.